618 East South Street, Suite 502, Orlando, Florida 32801

Family Mediation

Dining Table

The majority of families or divorcing couples that go through divorce mediation in Orlando are successful at reaching their agreement within two to four hours. If there are children or assets/ debts to divide, that will influence the time it takes to complete your mediation. Family and divorce mediation in Orlando does not require attorneys (however if you have one, you can still use mediation to settle disputes) and it keeps the power of your divorce in your hands.

The other influence is how much you have communicated about your divorce prior to mediation. Co-parenting and time-sharing is usually an area that requires considerable thought. You know your family the best and leaving your fate in a judges hands is not often the best decision. Research shows that when parents can create a plan unique for their families needs, they are more apt to cooperatively work together. This allows children to adjust more easily and causes less conflict overall.

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Family Mediation Is Proven To Work...

Couple Mediation

Divorce mediation in Orlando is effective for resolving conflict that you won't want to remain after you finalize your divorce. Many couples want to remain amicable and understand their children benefiting from a divorce that is not high conflict. The Florida courts strongly support family mediation as a alternative dispute resolution. It is well known that judges and lawyers do not always know what is best for your family. When couples get caught in court battles and litigation, this prevents the healing process from beginning. It also does not allow for each individual to begin living life as they would once their divorce is finalized. In mediation, the emotions of divorce are set aside so that the main topics can be addressed quickly. There is also the added benefit of not having to wait for court dates, filing motions, and a judges ruling. You get to make decisions and finalize your agreement on your own timeline with a neutral third-party whose only agenda is to help you reach a mutually agreeable settlement quickly and cost-effectively.

Couple Mediation

Making The Right Decision For Your Family...


Divorce is a family issue. There are no "winners" and "losers" in a divorce. Everyone is impacted in similar ways and suffers loss. There are many emotions and feelings that revolve around divorce, for wach party and for any children. Making a decision to use family mediation with a mental health counselor gives you a forum to work through issues that is very different than the experience you will have in a legal environment. Knowledge is power and what is known about divorce mediation is that it has a higher success rate when it comes to reaching a faster, more agreeable agreement. For this one reason alone, choosing to use a Orlando divorce mediator will save your family trauma, valuable time and energy, and thousands of dollars.

Contact Your Mediator

Heather Oller is a Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator in Orlando and offers free consultations for divorce mediation in Orlando. Explore your divorce options with someone who is passionate about helping resolve conflict quickly. Call us today on (407) 725-1442 or send us an email for a free phone consultation today.

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