How do grown-ups break up? The answer is simple- Divorce mediation. Divorce mediation, a calm, rational negotiation to iron out the terms of a marriage's end, is becoming an increasingly popular alternative to acrimonious traditional divorce litigation.
In divorce mediation, a mediator aids in negotiation between a husband and wife by assisting with communication, acting as a buffer when tempers flare and providing information and strategies to help resolve differences. The benefits of this process are lower costs, less angst and an agreement the parties want to adhere to, rather than one they're forced to adhere to.
It's a fact that a traditional in-court divorce complete with feuding attorneys and out-of-court drama can hit an already suffering husband and wife a knockout blow square in the pocketbook. Typical divorce costs can run anywhere from two to ten times higher than the cost of a divorce mediation.
Many lawyers charge a retainer fee of between $4,500 and $7,000 (not exactly fixed) for typical divorce cases, and also bill the client for any services in addition to the time covered by the retainer. And if the case goes back to court because of subsequent litigation, that's even more money for the attorney. By using a divorce mediator in Orlando, divorcing couples can substantially reduce this cost and avoid subsequent litigation by forging an agreement both parties can live with.
Mediation sessions can include the party's attorneys or a neutral attorney or an attorney-mediator who can inform both parties of their legal rights, but does not provide advice to either, or can be conducted without attorneys. Divorce mediators may be attorneys who have experience in divorce cases.
Mediators should have received training from a recognized source and should be able to provide references from attorneys, fellow mediators and other recognized professionals. A mediator with several years of experience has more knowledge than a beginner; some mediators are also family lawyers themselves. The cost will also help when choosing a mediator, most charge a fee for each session lasting around one to two hours.
Note that there are several experienced divorce mediators in Orlando, finding one for you isn’t a problem in the least.
Divorce mediation in Orlando keeps you and your spouse in control. That can help in recovering from the break and moving on and enjoying your life.
For more insight on divorce mediation in Orlando, call us or send an email for a free consultation.
Heather Oller is a licensed mental health professional with a Masters degree in counseling and psychology. She is an expert therapist at Orlando Thrive Therapy, Counseling & Conflict Resolution and is a Florida certified family court mediator. She is also a qualified Parent Coordinator. She specializes in conflict resolution and alternative dispute resolution.
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