Instead of going through a messy divorce in court, many couples are opting for divorce mediation as a way to handle their divorce. Here are 4 good reasons why divorce mediation in Orlando is becoming the preferred option for couples that want to get divorced:
Children are the innocent victims of divorce. If parents can reduce the level of conflict, avoid fighting in front of the children, and keep the family routines in place as much as possible, their children will be less traumatized by their parents' divorce.
The adversarial process is usually very stressful and emotionally demanding, and can sometimes resemble out and out warfare. Children can feel this.
In stark contrast, quality divorce mediators are trained to provide a process through which feelings, concerns and points of view can be expressed. This process allows for a greater sense of closure at the end of the process. Children deserve the best efforts of their parents to lessen conflict in the course of their divorce.
In the court process, your attorney's fees, as well as those of your spouse's attorney, are chargeable by the hour. Each spouse's attorney spends time in consultation with you, doing formal discovery to determine your spouse's assets and other pertinent information, drafting legal memoranda and court documents, representing you in court, conferring with your spouse's attorney, and managing your case as it winds its way through the various court procedures, which may be contested at each turn by your spouse's attorney. It all adds up to a princely sum. Not only that, it also adds up to a lot of resentment against your spouse for putting you through all this. It certainly does not foster communication between you and your spouse.
On the other hand, divorce mediation is a process that encourages the spouses to communicate with each other with the help of the divorce mediator. It may seem a daunting prospect to sit across a table and negotiate with your spouse, but divorce mediators in Orlando are trained to help you listen to each other. This can be a powerful experience. This process enables you and your spouse to take control of the divorce procedure, rather than giving that power to the court and adversarial attorneys.
Who best knows what the right outcome for your particular family is? Does a judge, or do you? A busy divorce judge has never met you or your family and has spent precious time reviewing the court file on you case. Clearly the family going through a divorce should be the parties making the family decisions. The divorce mediator will facilitate your discussing all the details between yourselves, and help you hammer out the best solution for your particular family situation.
Once you have reached a voluntary agreement, a divorce mediator in Orlando will encourage each spouse to consult individually with an attorney before signing a formal written agreement, just to make sure that the agreement says what you think it says, and will accomplish what you believe it will accomplish. With a signed binding agreement, you now have an "uncontested divorce", a simple and straightforward legal process you can complete with minimal further assistance.
Do you need the service of a divorce mediator in Orlando? Call us or send an email today for a free consultation.
Heather Oller is a licensed mental health professional with a Masters degree in counseling and psychology. She is an expert therapist at Orlando Thrive Therapy, Counseling & Conflict Resolution and is a Florida certified family court mediator. She is also a qualified Parent Coordinator. She specializes in conflict resolution and alternative dispute resolution.
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