Thinking of ending a marriage with divorce mediation in Orlando? This can cause incredible feelings of guilt, shame, fear, and anxiety. The pain from a broken marriage or a failed relationship hurts just as bad as losing a loved one to death. There isn’t any fast or quick way to deal with the emotions, or a crystal ball that will let you know if you are making the right decision. In those moments that you are doubting your feelings or your commitment, the only real information you have to go by is past evidence and how you are feeling. Talking to someone that isn’t friends or family is a great option to help you decide if it’s the right thing to do. If you decide that ending a marriage is still the best course for you, then you should consider Divorce Mediation in Orlando.
Maybe you have been trying to work on things for years and divorce mediation in Orlando wasn’t your first choice. You wanted the relationship to improve and work, but changes would happen and never last, or they just never happened. Many times, divorce mediators in Orlando hear clients say that they tried to get relationship help, but it helped them to realize that divorce was the best option for them. It always a negative outcome if getting help didn’t work because many couples come to mediation more amicable. They can express confidence that they did all that could to save the marriage.
If either you or your spouse had an affair and cannot commit to ending that relationship, then divorce is the best option for you. Are you still deciding between the person you are cheating with or your spouse? Is it hard for you to trust again or still causing you pain after you discovered infidelity? A marriage is not designed for infidelity. Many couples can recover from this act, but there must be a commitment to end the affair and reinvest in the marriage. Without that commitment, there is little help that can be offered from any professional. Even if divorce mediation in Orlando isn’t the best option for you, you should talk to someone to help you decide what you really want to do.
Relationships can recover from hurt, but they must have some foundation to build on. If you have struggled for years not feeling like you have a friendship of connection with your spouse, then it could be very hard to get that back. If ending your marriage seems like the best option to move forward with your life, scheduling divorce mediation in Orlando helps you do divorce better, with dignity and grace.
For many couples, chemistry ebbs and flows. That is very normal. The problem arises when you start to feel repulsed or disgusted by your spouse. If you have tried to regain the attraction or spark, but still find a physical aversion to your partner, it may be time to evaluate the marriage. It makes sense why you would not want to go through divorce mediation in Orlando, but the reality is that the marriage could have been over a long time ago.
Reach out today by calling (407) 725-1442 to discuss the best options for you or visit us at Do Divorce Better Mediation services. We are here to help and answer any questions you have. We want to see you move forward in the best way you can.
Heather Oller is a licensed mental health professional with a Masters degree in counseling and psychology. She is an expert therapist at Orlando Thrive Therapy, Counseling & Conflict Resolution and is a Florida certified family court mediator. She is also a qualified Parent Coordinator. She specializes in conflict resolution and alternative dispute resolution.
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