Making the decision to separate and then getting a divorce is not an easy one. The grieving process is normal. It can be hard to accept the relationship is over. Especially when it a marriage that is irrevocably damaged. Beginning the process of separating two lives into one can be daunting, scary, and overwhelming. Hiring someone to help through the divorce process is a good place to consider starting. Choosing mediation for divorce Orlando is a dispute resolution alternative. This means that it offers you an opportunity to settle your case outside of court. The process is designed to help a couple going through separation or choosing to end a marriage amicably. There are many things to consider during a break-up of marriage with children, with property, with assets, debts, or other things to divide. Where do you start?
There are some things you can expect during mediation and how it helps divorcing couples. It is important to know what those expectations are, so you are well prepared. When you select the divorce mediator who specializes in family mediation, you should ask any questions you have. During your initial phone consultation, you will be asked about your circumstances, but don’t be afraid to ask the mediator questions too.
You can expect when seeking mediation for divorce Orlando for help processing your agreement that your mediator will not be on anyone’s side. This is the biggest difference between using a lawyer and a mediator for divorce. From the very initial consultation, there will not be any taking sides or “right fighting.”
Since a divorcing couple is working together to create their divorce terms, the mediation process runs smoothly with boundaries. The mediator will begin by explaining how the divorce mediation process works, what you can expect, and what they are there to help you with. They will also ensure that the conversations between the two of you go smoothly and that you take breaks if necessary.
Even if a couple has concerns about topics during divorce which can’t be agreed on and how to resolve them, the mediator is prepared for that. Conflict resolution skills are important during mediation and will be another benefit that comes with this process. A goal for mediation for divorce Orlando is to help parties reach a mutually, voluntary agreement. A skilled, trained mediator can facilitate this with techniques, strategies, and by offering constructive feedback.
Cases involving children, custody, child support, and how to split time with children after divorce, are all important topics. Maybe the divorcing couple is already living apart and sharing custody. Maybe they just need to put the agreement in writing. Or maybe the divorced couple can’t agree on co-parenting and needs someone to help them come to resolution. Whatever the situation is, mediation is a place where you can develop a parenting plan that works best for your family. You can expect your divorce mediator to know about the Florida time-sharing guidelines and how to calculate child-support. They will help you identify the important topics to include in your parenting plan an work out any differences if necessary.
While going through a divorce feels awful at times, there is light at the end of the tunnel. In any case, having a neutral professional resource explain to you the ways to divide assets, debts, and other property is extremely helpful. There are important financial questions people often have during a divorce and they don’t always know how the laws impact them. Mediation for divorce Orlando gives you feedback and information on how to divide assets during a divorce, how to separate debts, and what the laws are regarding equitable distribution.
At the end of your mediation, and you have agreed to things, you can expect your mediator to put those terms in writing for you. This is called your Marital Settlement Agreement (MSA) and your official Parenting Plan. Even if you plan to do things a little differently or deviate from your paperwork from time to time, that is normal. In Florida, you are still required to file those documents with your divorce. A trained divorce mediator will ensure that you have entered into a voluntary agreement and reached terms you can both be happy with.
If you are seeking a divorce in Orlando and considering mediation as an option, call (407) 725-1442 today to discuss your case. A divorce mediator can help you decide what your best options are and will refer you out if they do not feel mediation is the right fit for you.
Heather Oller is a licensed mental health professional with a Masters degree in counseling and psychology. She is an expert therapist at Orlando Thrive Therapy, Counseling & Conflict Resolution and is a Florida certified family court mediator. She is also a qualified Parent Coordinator. She specializes in conflict resolution and alternative dispute resolution.
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